
Signs Your Pet Has a Tumor

Signs Your Pet Has a Tumor

Signs Your Pet Has a Tumor

As pet owners, we strive to provide our furry friends the best possible care. However, sometimes even the most diligent of us miss the subtle signs that something might be wrong. One such condition that can often go unnoticed is a tumor in our beloved pets. These growths can occur in any part of the body and may manifest in various ways.

South Side Animal Clinic in Rolla, MO, is here to help you navigate this challenging time by providing professional guidance and expertise to ensure your pet receives the best possible care and treatment.

Tumor Diagnosis

Tumors in pets can be frightening and complex. Pet owners must be aware of the signs that may indicate a tumor. While not all tumors are cancerous, early detection is vital for successful treatment. A few of these vital signs are included below.

Changes in Behavior

Unusual behavior changes, such as increased aggression, irritability, or lethargy, can sometimes be linked to an underlying health issue, including tumors.

Bumps or Lumps

One common sign of a pet tumor is the presence of lumps or bumps on your pet's body. These can range in size, shape, and texture, appearing suddenly or growing slowly over time. A veterinarian should evaluate any new lump that persists for over two weeks.

Appetite and Weight Loss

Another sign to watch for is changes in your pet's appetite or weight loss. Suppose you notice your pet losing weight without any obvious reason, such as increased activity or a change in diet. In that case, seeking veterinary attention is crucial and could indicate an underlying tumor.

Contact South Side Animal Clinic for Pet Tumors

Early diagnosis and treatment of these common pet care conditions are essential for maintaining your pet's health and quality of life. Regular veterinary check-ups and preventive care are crucial in detecting and addressing these issues before they become more severe. At South Side Animal Clinic, we are an animal hospital that offers pet surgery for tumors. Contact our office at (573) 426-3647 to book an appointment with our staff.